🏭❄⚔ #02: The good, the bad and the frustrating.

The best storytelling from my Youtube viewing history. Second edition!

Most initiatives you see like this only lasts one time and are then given up upon. So it is with great pride I now send the second one :)

Since I’m a mission to make 100 films about 100 humans who are changing the world for the better on my channel, I am consuming tons of Youtube content for learning and inspiration. There are so many interesting things going on in the world now, both good, bad and frustrating things. This episode of this newsletter focuses on one of each.

Let’s start out with a frustrating one.

#01 Life as the Last Fire Lookout


Nuclear is surely debatable wether we should have it or not, but let’s face it. We need a lot of energy to power the world and the hunger for new stuff everywhere. Everyone is rightfully scared of the nuclear waste that we have to store for hundreds of thousands of years. But, what if there was another way?

This video shows that a fatal decision by President Nixon back in the 60’s put a stop to the implementation of this fully developed technology to recycle the nuclear waste and use it again and again to extract more energy out of it while at the same time drastically reducing the half-life of it. And by using it now, this video claims they could power the entire US for 150 years ONLY on the nuclear waste already sitting there waiting for enernity. Crazy.

Is this too good to be true? I love the storytelling Cleo Abram does here. She takes us on a journey, explains the backstory very clearly and while this is very frustrating - it also provides a glimpse of hope. She is balancing the facts with a cocktail of emotions that keeps me glued.

The channel’s name is a very suitable one: HUGE. IF TRUE.

#2 The US Military is Planning for a War with China


So here comes the bad thing. I hate wars, weapons and the fact that we apparently need (do we really?) them. I guess it’s just part of human nature’s greed. Who invented boarders anyway? From space they are (still) invisible.

BUT, this is very interesting and something that we don’t hear lot about in mainstream media. It is potentially another Russia/Ukraine situation blowing up if China decides to invade Taiwan. I mean, why would they? It’s 2023 now. Stupid people with power.

However, Johnny Harris, who is a long time favorite of mine on Youtube (and also featured in the video above) explains the situation very clearly and from a very (for being an American) subjective angle.

His has mastered this type of independent journalism to a degree that I truly admire. He’s picking subjects ranging from how most bananas are now extinct, to why McDonalds ice cream machines tend to be broken all the time and he digs super deep everytime. And keeps it interesting.

He is a bit of a Youtube superstar and it feels a little bit too obvious for me to recommend one of his videos, but his channel is a great starting point if you are just beginning to train your Youtube algorithm.

#3 Surviving on a Dogsled Through the Arctic


So the good. Adventures are always good according to me. This is a film from my friend Kalle Flodin who moved from Stockholm up to cabin in the woods up in northern Sweden a number of years ago - with no running water. If you are tired of summer, sun and warm weather - this is for you.

This is suitable to watch in your couch when you have time, loads of popcorn and just want to escape to a different world for a while (unless you live in a cabin in the woods in a snowy place already)

This is the story of him and Christine and their epic dog sled tour in the true wild north, or a s the Youtube description claims: “The main reason I quit my job and moved out into the forest was because I wanted to be in control over my own time. To do what I want, when I want. This adventure is a perfect example of that, Christine and I are leaving our cabin in the middle of a normal week to travel 10 hours north to go on the most adventures experience we have ever been a part of. A happy life is not found, It's created.”

Piecing this film worthy of a Netflix documentary together by yourself is an incredible accomplishment. It shows personality evolving on a journey. And that we really don’t need all the comforts we are used to. It’s just a matter of mindset. Watch it!

Filmmaking tips: How to shoot a CINEMATIC Travel Film | SONY ZV-E1


This is a behind the scenes how-to video that is better than most of the stuff I see out there, and a level of doing this I’m aspiring to myself when telling the story of the story for my films. Reilin Joey does this really well.

This is his breakdown of how he created a film to test out a new camera (which seems like a nice one) in Marocco. This breakdown is actually much more interesting than the actual film (even though it’s beautiful of course) and he shares loads of good tips on how to think when creating something like this.

Even if it’s based on creating a travel film the process works for basically any film you want to create.

I love the fact that he had it all planned out in minute detail and then decided to scrap it all and just wing it. If you have done all the work planning, that is exactly what it enables you to do, since you have actually spent time thinking it through.

This is 15 minute film so make sure you have a little coffee break or lunch by yourself to watch this.

My contribution: Ireland & Greystones - An Unexpected Experience!


At the time of writing this it has been exactly two months since me and Isak went to Greystones in Ireland to make a film about Harold a.k.a The Sprout Man who serves his community with broccoli sprouts delivered to the doorstep. This is the film about my experience there, what I learned and about driving on the wrong side of the road (The car was returned without problems even though I smashed the front left wheel into the curb more than ten times, I guess they’re used to that).

I think this film has a nice feeling to it and it resembles the experience we had very well.

A good thing about making this is that I looked at myself and realised how out of shape I am. So it got me motivated to start changing that which I have taken several steps towards. More on that in a later video.

Right now I’m working on the big film about Harold, his life and his business of changing the world. It will be released shortly. It will be number 100 and the first of the 100 films I’m making - watch this space!

If you want more of this, you can check out the IRELAND SERIES playlist on Youtube.

Thank you so much for reading this far!

That’s it for this first edition of my curated youtube history. Did you like it? Hate it? Have something nice to say? Or suggestions for me? Let me know!

Just reply to this email or send me one on robin@danehav.com

You can also find me on instagram on @robindanehav where I post more regularly.

Robin Danehav - Follow me!

I love the amount of great content being uploaded to Youtube all the time. And I hope you do too. This newsletter is to celebrate and share the best stuff I encounter.

You know that feeling when something catches your attention a little bit extra - that is what’s going in here. Mostly it will be the kind of films I want to make myself. About passionate people doing nerdy things that are making the world better somehow.

Every time you get my three favorite stories, one film that can make you a better film maker and one film made by me. Hope you appreciate it.


(If you want to subscribe to any of these channels but haven’t taken the time to sign up with an account on youtube yet, this could be your starting point. It takes 3 minutes to make an account and once you have trained the algorithm to what you like to watch it provides an infinite source of inspiration that will always be there for you. So much more rewarding than doom scrolling facebook or instagram :)


🌲 #01: Only 18 people live in this town, would you move here?