Who is Robin Danehav?

Finding exceptional in the ordinary.

I believe that as long as people are telling each other positive stories about things that makes the world a better place, then the world is also slowly becoming a better place.

My name is Robin Danehav, and I’m based in Stockholm, Sweden. I love warm beaches and cold snowy mountains. It’s all in the contrast I guess.

I’ve been working professionally as a filmmaker and photographer, doing client work since 2008 depending on what you count as professional.

Finding happiness and feeding the ego through being of service - a WIN-WIN.

Have you ever felt bored or uninspired by the way you live your life, what you do for work or just the circumstances in which you find yourself?

During the last couple of years I have tried to figure a way to contribute more to make this planet that we call home a better place for both humans, nature and the animals.

In December 2022 I realized that the best way for me to do this is by putting my skills to use making documentaries about people who are doing other beautiful things with their skills.

Hopefully this can cause a ripple effect and inspire even more people to reconsider how they are using their time and knowledge. From something boring and uninspiring to something that truly brings happiness.

While doing this project I’m also helping brands grow using visual storytelling through my production company. That is still my day job, but it’s a very rewarding one.